Column-level encryption using Symmetric AES 256 in SQL
The document aims to specify the implementation for the Column level encryption(CLE) using symmetric AES 256 in SQL.
High-Level Design
The high-level process of implementing CLE in the SQL database involves the following steps:
Step 1: Create SQL Server Service Master Key
- This is the root of the SQL Server encryption hierarchy.
- Usually created when the instance is created.
- Confirm the existence and if not created already, manually create it.
Step 2 – Create SQL Server Database Master Key
- The next level in the hierarchy is DMK.
- The DMK does not directly encrypt the data.
Step 3 – Create a Self Signed SQL Server Certificate
- This certificate is protected by the DMK.
- The self-signed X.509 certificate is to safeguard encryption keys, which are used to encrypt data in the database
Step 4 – Create SQL Server Symmetric Key
- The Symmetric Key will be used for encryption and decryption.
- While creating the key, we can specify to use the ALGORITHM: AES_256
Step 5 – Add the required Schema changes
- An Encrypted column can only be of datatype varbinary.
- Create a new column with the type Varbinary
Step 6 – Creating the Encryption and Decryption functions
- Create the required functions in SQL which will be used inside the various database objects( Stored Procedures, Functions, etc.)
- Populate the new column after encrypting values from the original column.
- Changes to be made in the dependent objects to use the new column (Insert/Update) with the newly created functions
- After testing, remove the original column
Step 7 – Grant Permissions
- A user need to have permission to symmetric key and certificate to decrypt data.
- If they don’t have access, there will not be any errors
- Permissions can be granted to a set of users to decrypt and read data.
- Generate Master keys: Generate a unique encryption key for each sensitive column. We will generate the key using GUID and MD5(message-digest algorithm) Hashing.
DECLARE @uniqueid UNIQUEIDENTIFIER SET @uniqueid = NEWID() DECLARE @guidval VARCHAR(MAX) SET @guidval = CONVERT(VARCHAR(MAX), @uniqueid) CREATE MASTER KEY ENCRYPTION BY PASSWORD = '''(SELECT HashBytes(''MD5'', @guidval))''' For Viewing the Keys SELECT name KeyName,symmetric_key_id KeyID,key_length,algorithm_desc FROM sys.symmetric_keys;
- Generate a Certificate: Encryption certificate uses digital certificates to secure communications between parties.
CREATE CERTIFICATE SymmetricCertificate WITH SUBJECT = 'Certificate for Symmetric Encryption’ For Viewing Certificates SELECT name,certificate_id,pvt_key_encryption_type_desc EncryptType,issuer_name FROM sys.certificates
- Generate Symmetric Key: Symmetric key generation is an important aspect of cryptography and encryption.
- Encrypt the data: For Encryption use a scalar valued function named ‘fn_symmetric_aes_encrypt’. This function contains two input parameters, one is @Input for pass the plain text for encryption and one is @key for passing particular symmetric key for encryption. The function returns @result as the encrypted cipher text.
CREATE Function [dbo].[fn_symmetric_aes_encrypt] (@Input nvarchar(max) ,@key nvarchar(32)) Returns Varbinary(max) AS Begin DECLARE @result Varbinary(max); SET @result = EncryptByKey(Key_Guid(@key), @Input) RETURN @result; End
- Decrypt the data:Decrypting data means to convert encrypted or ciphered data back into its original plaintext form, making it readable and usable again. For Decryption use a scalar valued function named ‘fn_symmetric_aes_decrypt’. This function contains one input parameter @Input for pass the encrypted cipher textt for decryption and returns @result as the decrypted original plaintext.
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[fn_symmetric_aes_decrypt] ( @Input varbinary (max)) RETURNS nvarchar(max) AS BEGIN DECLARE @result nvarchar(max); SET @result = CAST(DecryptByKey(@Input) AS nvarchar(max)); RETURN @result; END;
- Perform encryption and decryption: For invoking encryption in a particular table column we can call the database function :
[dbo].[fn_symmetric_aes_encrypt]([Column Name],[Key])
For invoking decryption call the database function:
[dbo].[fn_symmetric_aes_decrypt]([Column Name])
- Grant permissions: Grant permissions to a Database User to use the symmetric key using the following SQL command:
GRANT CONTROL ON SYMMETRIC KEY::[SymmetricKeyName] TO [DatabaseUser];
Steps to convert existing table column VarChar to VarBinary
The column will not be converted directly to type VarBinary. The following steps will be done to ensure correct migration.
Step 1 – Add a new column with datatype VarBinary.
Step 2 – Populate the new column with the data from the existing column.
Step 3 – Execute the script to encrypt the data in the new column.
Step 4 – Rename the old column as backup.
Step 5 – Perform a sanity check by comparing the data in the old and new columns as well as from the application.
Step 6 – Final step is to rename the new column to the old column name.
Script for the one-time process to encrypt existing data for the table (An Example Table)
ALTER TABLE CSAUtilHist ADD AccountNumberEnc varbinary(max); UPDATE CSAUtilHist SET AccountNumberEnc = CAST(AccountNumber AS varbinary(max)); OPEN SYMMETRIC KEY SymmetricKey DECRYPTION BY CERTIFICATE SymmetricCertificate; UPDATE CSAUtilHist SET AccountNumberEnc = ENCRYPTBYKEY(KEY_GUID('SymmetricKey'), AccountNumber); CLOSE SYMMETRIC KEY SymmetricKey; EXEC sp_rename 'CSAUtilHist.AccountNumber', AccountNumberBefEnc', 'COLUMN'; EXEC sp_rename 'CSAUtilHist.AccountNumberEnc', 'AccountNumber', 'COLUMN';
Steps to change the password of the Database Master Key
Step 1 – Open the Database Master key with old password
Step 2 – Execute script to change the password for the Master key
Step 3 – Close the Database Master key